Last updated on July 9th, 2024 at 03:25 pm

As working from home has become more and more common, this tech-centered approach to work has led to an increasing number of human resource remote jobs. Read on to learn why remote work has become so widespread, the place of remote work in the human resource field, and tips for excelling under this new employment model.

The Growing Trend of Remote Work 

Otherwise known as “telecommuting” or “distance employment,” remote work is certainly nothing new. Companies have taken advantage of this employment model in ever-increasing numbers since technology first made it possible. But the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 quickly skyrocketed the popularity of remote work into the stratosphere. 

While many employers have since returned to an in-person work model, others have retained their remote work models for various reasons. First and foremost, remote work can lead to far happier employees who appreciate the increased scheduling flexibility, eliminated commuting drawbacks, and improved work-life balance that this employment model provides. Beyond higher levels of job satisfaction, employers who adopt a remote work model can draw upon a global workforce and slash the costs needed to maintain and operate within a physical location. 

For these reasons and more, the trend toward remote work is expected to deepen and expand for the foreseeable future. 

Types of Remote HR Positions

“Human resources” (or “HR”) is a term that categorizes all agencies, departments, and positions that handle the sourcing, hiring, training, management, development, and general oversight of employees. In many cases, HR responsibilities also extend to independent contractors and third-party service providers. 

In the modern workplace, there is certainly no shortage of remote HR positions that focus on all these areas and more. Major positions that are now commonly performed remotely include HR manager, HR consultant, and employee relations manager. 

Tips for Success in a Remote HR Position 

If you want to excel in a rewarding remote HR job, you would be wise to adhere to the following seven guidelines. While many of these HR tips apply in the traditional office environment as well, the unique opportunities and demands of remote work make them especially relevant. 

1. Set Up a Productive Workspace 

While lying in your bed and tapping on your laptop is tempting, you are far more likely to succeed if you create a designated workspace. This could be sitting behind a desk in a home office or taking over the dining room table for the duration of your workday. If possible, your workspace should be behind a closed door or otherwise isolated from potential distractions. In any event, you will want to ensure that all necessary work devices, tools, materials, and supplies are close at hand. To maximize productivity, you’ll want to limit the amount of time you spend away from your immediate work area.

2. Establish a Routine 

Just as a designated workplace can do wonders when it comes to driving productivity, a dedicated routine can do wonders when it comes to driving productivity. This is important for remote workers who share their living space with roommates or family members, each with their own daily schedules and living habits. Parents who work from home face particular problems when it comes to coordinating childcare and avoiding distractions. But by establishing a routine and sticking to it, you can make life far easier for you and your family alike.

3. Communicate Effectively 

Because remote work involves employees who are physically separated from their supervisors, coworkers, and team members, communication difficulties rank among the top challenges that the remote work model presents. You can help overcome these challenges by establishing specific times for checking email and communicating via telephone, video chat, or other distance channels. Strong communication skills will be vital in this work, including the ability to convey ideas clearly, listen actively, ask questions, and provide feedback. Effective communication helps remote HR professionals build trust, foster relationships, and maintain engagement, leading to better outcomes for the organization and its employees.

4. Build Relationships with Colleagues 

Promoting good communication is one of the best ways that you can foster and maintain positive and productive relationships with colleagues. When you aren’t in constant, close, face-to-face contact with others on a daily basis, nurturing good working interactions can be quite difficult. Furthermore, misunderstandings are significantly more common in remote work situations, which can place undue strain on otherwise healthy relationships. To keep remote employees from feeling detached and isolated, develop ways to reach out to them, human being to human being, in ways that make them feel the most engaged and connected. Different workers might respond to different combinations of email, instant messaging, teleconferencing, video conferencing, and other methods of distance communication. 

5. Stay Organized 

Organization is a key element of success in any work situation, but it becomes especially important when you are isolated from supervisors and colleagues. Consider holding yourself accountable throughout the workday by following a carefully composed to-do list. At the end of the day, you should schedule some time to make a new list for tomorrow. By referencing this before you begin working, you can get your morning off to an immediate productive start. 

6. Limit Distractions 

When working from home, it’s vital to be intentional about limiting distractions to maintain productivity and focus. One of the most common distractions is the home environment itself, as there may be household tasks, family members, or pets competing for attention. That means an integral part of setting up that aforementioned productive workspace is ensuring other members of your household respect it as a workspace. Communicate boundaries with family members or roommates, and consider using noise-canceling headphones or a white noise machine. Turn off notifications on your phone or computer, schedule specific times to check email or social media, and use productivity tools like time-tracking apps or website blockers. By taking proactive steps to limit distractions, you can create a more focused and productive work environment at home. 

7. Take Breaks 

Workers who take occasional routine breaks are more productive than those who do not. In the typical office environment, workers tend to pause throughout the day to speak to one another about non-work-related matters, stretch their legs as they walk to visit different departments, and enjoy daily coffee and lunch breaks to recharge and refresh themselves. Try to take similar short breaks on a regular basis while working from home. When you return to work, you are bound to be a significantly more efficient and effective (not to mention happier) employee.

Pursue a Career in HR with an MBA from Salem University

Whether working remotely or in person, HR professionals must have a firm basis in industry best practices to succeed. By earning a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Human Resource Management from Salem University, you can gain the strategic business planning and diverse HR training you need to excel in this uniquely challenging field. 

Request more information or start the HR MBA program application process today.

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