Last updated on July 9th, 2024 at 03:25 pm

Nursing is such a diverse field, full of opportunities for current and future nurses. Nurses work in clinics, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, emergency rooms, and even in helicopters! So, how do you plan a career in nursing? Salem University recently hosted a panel discussion on this topic featuring faculty nursing experts. Here’s what we learned:

  1. Get your first nursing job; gain some experience; and then specialize! Growing as a nurse is important to realizing your dream job.
  2. Don’t be afraid of trying new things and testing out new areas of nursing practice. If you are curious about a different specialty like pediatrics, dialysis, or cardiac care then give it a shot. Take note of what you enjoyed and didn’t enjoy about that specialty so you can make more informed decisions about your future career plans and goals.
  3. Keep track of your accomplishments and update your resume regularly…be proud of those accomplishments!
  4. Reach out to others. Ask for help and/or career advice. Build relationships with other nurses to always get better.

Planning your career in nursing means continuing to learn and grow. Sometimes, that means learning new ways to deliver care through evidence-based practices and using the newest research; attending workshops; working with the nurse educator as your hospital; or going back to school to further your education. As more hospitals seek Magnet Status there is a real push for RNs to also have their BSN. Additionally, careers as a nurse educator or administrator will require a master’s degree. For those who are interested in continuing in direct patient care a DNP may be required.

Making the decision to go to school for a BSN or MSN while working in the field can be tough. However, going to school doesn’t have to be. Programs, like the ones at Salem University, are built by nurses for nurses. Additionally, we provide ongoing support, tutoring, and engagement with highly trained faculty. Salem University’s reduced tuition rate for the BSN and MSN programs makes it more affordable than ever to continue your education.

If you want to learn more about the competencies and skills that will set you up for success, you can watch the recording. If you have questions or would like to learn more about our programs, just give us a call – we are happy to help!

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