Last updated on July 9th, 2024 at 03:26 pm

MSIT Series: Imagining What’s Next With Software Engineering

One of the most challenging aspects of discussing the field of information technology is how broad it is and how many different facets it encompasses. That’s why, in this blog series, we’re taking a closer look at each of the specializations offered through our Master of Science in Information Technology degree program — what they are and what the future of those career paths looks like.


In the space of a few very short decades, we’ve gone from computers that take up a room, War Games-style, to computers that fit in our pocket and serve as our constant companions. At this point, almost every single one of us interacts with software on a daily basis. It powers our lives, our businesses, and almost every aspect of our modern world — from websites to applications to computer programs — and that’s a big factor into why the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts software and web developers will experience much faster than average growth through 2029.

And while some segments of standardized coding and programming can be performed via automation, the drive for more complex, more creative software that can compete in a crowded marketplace means that there is a big need for software engineers who can not only execute, but also visualize out-of-the-box technology solutions. Organizations are looking for software development team leads, managers, and directors who are thinking five steps ahead on the latest developments in the field, like:

  • Containerization to enhance the efficiency of apps running on different computing environments
  • The potential rise of new coding languages (e.g., Rust, Swift, Kotlin, TypeScript) and how they compare to Pythom, Java, and C
  • Low-Code No-Code (LCNC) and whether it serves as a viable solution for some clients
  • The continuous expansion of the Internet of Things and how our software increasingly needs the ability to interconnect and share information
  • Mixed reality, virtual reality, and augmented reality and the opportunities that each one presents, especially in social media and app spaces
  • Continuous integration and continuous deployment as a best practice to streamline software application assembly and update

These are just a few of the aspects of the software engineering space that leaders in the field will need to understand, embrace, and deploy in order to stay ahead of the game. Those with a master’s in software engineering will be able to demonstrate key critical thinking and problem solving skills that will be vital to assessing and utilizing trends in computing most effectively, opening up opportunities for you to be a team lead, a project manager, a consultant, or an embedded engineer. It will also give you the chance to work in just about any area, from finance and government to aerospace. The software engineering field will thrive on quick thinkers, innovators, and those who embrace each new development as an opportunity to take their own knowledge and skills to the next level.

Learn more about the MSIT — Software Engineering degree from Salem University.

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